The Globe Eagle University’s vision is to Promote International Understanding through Quality Education’ and are a beehive of international students from all across the globe, being privy to USA culture and hospitality. The GE University, the Open and Distance Learning (ODL), internationally presence, shall provide consistentaccess to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill development and training to all by using innovative technologies and methodologies. 


To advance frontiers of knowledge and promote its circulation through sustainable Open and Distance Learning systems, consistent accessible to all, including those formerly unreached, from among whom the leaders and innovators of tomorrow will emerge, the University shall:

  • Strengthen the development of the University as a proactive role model for high-quality and learner-centric Open and Distance Learning system.
  • Periodically assess and accredit institutions of Open and Distance Learning to promote centres of excellence in the country and world at large.
  • Share professional capabilities and resources to improve standards of distance education in the country and worldwide;
  • Develop networks, using emerging technologies and methods, with global reach for effective programme delivery.
  • Provide an intelligent and flexible system of education to meet the challenges of access and equity, and work towards development of a knowledge society.
  • Students of all ages and background can study online and get academic certificate, Diploma, Degree etc.
  • Graduates and working professionals can pursue GEU’s programmes and explore other career options to enhance their employability and skills.
  • Take education to the hitherto unreached and promote community participation for local development through life-coping skills
  • Provide specific need-based education and training opportunities for continuous professional development and skill upgradation to in-service professionals
  • Strive towards continuous development of methods and strategies for research and development for generation of knowledge in frontier areas, including Open and Distance Learning worldwide.

Effective Student-Support Services

Effective student-support services are an important pre-requisite for:

  • Improving completion rate
  • Reducing drop-out rate
  • Providing sustainable, quality education
  • Enhancing the credibility of the system.

For making the support services effective, the University undertakes the following:

  • Provide an opportunity for greater interaction with learners.
  • Reduce response time in admission, distribution of material and declaration of results.
  • Carry out tracer-studies on learner performance and experiences.
  • Regularly monitor the quality of support services.
  • Forge seamless convergence between open and conventional university systems.
  • Increase use of interactive technology, mediated counseling and induction programmes.
  • Evolve a more efficient database management system.
  • Provide Online admission and Re-Registration.
  • Further strengthen links with public and private institutions and NGOs engaged in education and training.